About the Journal

The African Journal of Mining, Entrepreneurship and Natural Resource Management (AJMENRM) publishes papers and critical reviews in Mining Engineering, Mining Surveying and GIS applications, Metallurgy, Geology, Mine Rehabilitation, Mine Environment, Mineral Processing, Waste Recycling, Entrepreneurship, Environmental responsibility in mining, Natural Resource Management, and related disciplinary areas. Both full length and short papers reporting original research making a significant and novel contribution to the evolving knowledge, technology and intellectual discourse on Mining, Geology, Environmental Engineering/Management, Entrepreneurship, Mineral Processing, Natural Resource Management and related disciplines are welcome. AJMENRM is a biannual technical publication of the activities organised by Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management (CEMEREM) and is supported through DAAD funding.

Registration Status: AJMENRM is registered with ISSN as 2706-6002

Anchoring: The Journal will be anchored with African Journals Online (AJOL)


Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): AJMENRM - Volume 3, Issue 2
View All Issues


The sponsoring organization of the Journal is the Centre of Excellence in Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management (CEMEREM). The CEMEREM project established under the consortium of Taita Taveta University (TTU) in Kenya, the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTWD) and Technical University of Mining in Freiberg (TU BAF) was launched in May of 2016. The project seeks to establish a network for excellence in mineral resource education between Kenya and Germany.

CEMEREM’s overarching objective consists in education on mining engineering, environmental engineering and natural resources management for a sustainable development of the natural resources sector in Kenya and East Africa.

Sources of Support
Members of the CEMEREM (through the DAAD) have graciously sponsored our journal and its interests. These members are: Taita Taveta University (TTU), University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTWD) and Technical University of Mining in Freiberg (TU BAF).